Gillian Beattie

Jan 4, 20214 min

Your muscles tell you more than you know!

I’d like to discuss, and for some introduce you, to the fabulous world within our muscles.

Understanding your muscles can help with self care for your aches and pains. Also a preventative for injuries, Illness and falls depending on age. So let’s get started...

You probably know that our muscles are made up of fibrous tissue

Mainly we have three types.

  1. Skeletal (Like this one pictured above. The skeletal muscular system is the one I work with. It supports our bones and coordinates movement through lever synchronisation. These muscles also get injured or cause problems with repetitive issues or lack of function; which in my client cases, I help fix).

  2. Cardiac - which is only found in the heart - see pictured below. 

3. Smooth - These are our housekeeping auto pilot muscles to keep things moving like in your intestines and stomach - example of this is your muscular walls of your intestines contract to push food through your body.

Fab Fact
We have over 650 skeletal muscles within our body and 320 of them are paired for synchronicity.

Due to our daily way of living it is impossible to have ‘perfect’ posture - so don't get tied up in perfection; it's more about managing what you have safely and effectively. Yes, by all means when you have attained your goal in function and mobility and strengthened your weak spots you can go for the fitness regime of your dreams. In my line of work I am the bridge to get the basics of the muscular system stretched, moving, stabilised, pain free and functioning. Every person I have worked with is different in how they walk, sit, move, write, read and basically function. We have our own habits when bending down and picking up children or holding weighted shopping. So it’s not surprising we get muscular tension causing imbalances to happen. What's interesting is that you know more than you think about yourself. You are your own body's specialist in a way. You have owned this amazing structure of cells all your life and know what hurts, what doesn't hurt, how much flexibility you currently have, how you eat, how much you're active, how much you drink and how much mental attitude; be it positive or negative. You have going on everyday.

Everything we do, think, eat and drink impacts on our muscular system in one way or another. When we get older, age is only one cause of muscle mass deterioration (which I might add has medical evidence that muscle deterioration for those over 40yrs can be slowed down). But it's the other causes that we can address now for a healthier, safer and better quality of life.

Fab Fact
Did you know that our brain sends out signals to our muscles when we are stressed?
'stress' 'warning' 'protect'
Hence our muscles go into protective mode.

Imbalances in our bodies are normal and effects everyone. We have an amazing biological system that goes beyond science with regard to our neurological possibilities. The fact that we can help ourselves before tapping into the quick fix system of tablets & pills is amazing and something that we should take advantage of.

My sister in-law has cancer and it was only when diagnosed that she got the education on what she can do to help herself. Why is it in cases like this, it’s only at the cliff edge of the body breaking down that help is given? It would be nice for everyone to be equipped to help themselves mentally and physically throughout their lives... In my opinion x

So where are you now? A little task for you to see how you move.

Here are some basic movements - measure yourself on a scale of 1 - 10. Ten being really painful or difficult to do - You can comment your findings and share this article to see how you compare.

  • (1) When you bend down keeping your legs straight to touch your toes, do you have any pain, twinges or find it difficult? (a stretch of hamstrings is normal)

  • (2) When bending your knees to sit on the floor and reverse the action to stand, do you have any pain, twinges or find it difficult?

  • (3) When lifting both arms forwards and overhead do you have any pain, twinges or find it difficult?

  • (4) When lifting both arms sideways to overhead, do you have any pain, twinges or find it difficult?

  • (5) When lying down to stand up, do you have any pain, twinges or find it difficult?

If you have pain or twinges in any of the above you may need to use your body more within it's movement.

If you don't use it, you lose it

Any part of the above task where one side has felt different from the other is an imbalance and can be easily fixed through the correct exercises for you, your body and your life style. If you have scored less than 5 in all of them great! If you have scored more than 5 in any of the above I highly recommend the free YouTube Yoga exercises. You can also join my live classes where I interact with you to ensure you are doing the exercises correctly providing great life tools in self care. If you want to have something more personalised, I am running a care plan of £25 per month where you get your physical analysis by me and exercise plans to suit your current situation that are monitored and updated to ensure progress. Please visit my website and click the 'online classes' for live and interactive work or click on 'services' to become a private client on the monthly care plan.

You can take small actions now for a huge impact for a better quality of life in the future, most importantly to suit you and your lifestyle. What this pandemic has brought to my attention is that health is key to live. Times have changed so take all the opportunities of self care you can so you can enjoy living.

Hope you've enjoyed this post, you can listen to my podcasts on The Complete You or watch video's on my new channel The Complete You.

Take care and stay safe. I wish you good health and happiness for 2021

Gill x
