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Dancer's are you ready?

Updated: Apr 10, 2020

Hello and nice to have you here. Have you had a great summer? It’s hot hot hot today (Bank holiday Monday)

Some of you may be in the mindset as I am, when time seeps through the days and before you know it September is knocking at your door. Are you ready for your new era? Are you ready to step up your game?

Students – Have you got everything sorted to start the new term?

Teachers – Have you managed to prep, plan and promote for your new intake?

Self-employed artistes – Have you managed to work this summer or are you between contracts and preparing yourself for your next job?

Parents – Have you been occupying the children all summer and can’t wait for routine and dance commitments to start?

Well I am excited for you all, as new beginnings, new ventures, new jobs, or reviving your mindset for your existing work is always refreshing and important to do; mostly for your wellbeing. So, enjoy the YOU in your current situation and make the most of your days!

“You have one life journey with YOU in control”

Having a break from the routine of work is key to keeping you sane (Although it is questionable that dancers are born a bit mad... after all, you need a crazy creativeness to succeed in this industry…and talent of course).

When I was on the other side of the UK for my family holiday at St Ives in Cornwall, I fell upon an artist Mary Fletcher. I recognised her work on dance, advertised outside an art gallery centre, so had to pop in to see if it was her. A pure coincidence and I was delighted to ask lots of questions, ask why she liked emotive sketching and how dance influenced her mind’s eye. Also how did she physically do the piece on Ballet Rambert (She sketched in the dark during the performance then created the canvas in her studio. She was emotionally moved and her work interprets highlights from their beautiful shape and form). It was a lovely conversation and experience for me, she definitely inspired and boosted my passion to advocate dance this coming year.

Her art piece I recognised representing a performance by Ballet Rambert

My print of 'Salsa' I bought from Mary Fletcher

I was delighted to purchase this print of ‘Salsa’ and even more delighted when she kindly allowed me to record her reading this salsa rhythmic poem – I came out humbled and honoured.

so readers, I can’t state how important your impact is on the people around you. You make a difference everyday just by being you; even if you don’t know it. By caring, inspiring, giving your time, working your talent and providing your skills.

What Mary Fletcher has proven to me that her work on dance has influenced dancers and non-dancers, it affects others and completes the circle in which I believe all creatives work - influence, inspiration, creativity and product:-

1. Influence – An effect a person or thing has on another. eg Dance intrigued Mary Fletcher to book and attend Ballet Rambert performance.

2. Inspiration – To stimulate a creative activity – eg Mary Fletcher seen dance and the companies capability as spiritual weightless flickers (like fire flames of movement) and took this emotion and experience to create something new.

3. Creativity – Inventive and imaginative – eg Mary Fletcher created a sketch then spent time capturing what she envisioned to produce a piece of art. Using her skill and talent to produce a product.

4. Product – Earning a living is what the ‘dream job’ is all about. Mary Fletcher produced this piece of art then created multiple outlets (printed versions and other items) through which she continues to bring an income.

This is what happens in our industry especially those that are self-employed. We see things, we create work in a way our skills and talent can. We sell to our audience what we have created for a fee which provides a living doing something we love.

I am itching to get back into my routine in advocating dance and sharing information and resources with you. Also collaborating and helping with connections for new opportunities. So follow this blog, subscribe to the podcast and join our facebook group so you don't miss out.

What do you think of this blog page layout? It’s a new format so readers can comment, interact, share and follow. Let me know what you think.

Dance Inspire UK has contacts, free downloads and links to help you in your career. If looking for funding check out my April blog. My podcast is back for it’s 2nd season on 1st September which will be broadcast every two weeks (1st & 15th of the month). This is available on iTunes or where you listen to your podcasts also through the website

OFF TRACK (My random thoughts)

Is it 'artist' or 'artiste' ?

I see the words artist and artiste written all the time. I’d type artiste then later alter it as I’d see other publications (including our government authority bodies) write it this way and doubt myself. However this is wrong.

Artist - (painter) practitioner of any of the arts.

Artiste - professional performer eg singer or dancer

I think the confusion has been with the commonly used modern version of the word ‘arts’, meaning all theatre and creative arts but this is not correct English. (Not that I am an academic as you can probably tell by this post but got advised to correct it from a professional wordsmith, author and journalist ... Look out for the correct and incorrect spellings.

That's it for now, keep up your fabulous input into our dance industry. You are needed!

Gillian Beattie Xx

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